Dragon eVTOL Assembly Kit

The Dragon Personal Aircraft Vehicle is available as an assembly kit. An eVTOL among the first to be commercialized thanks to Rotor X. Let’s take a look at the features of the Dragon eVTOL Assembly Kit together.

Dragon eVTOL Assembly Kit
Photo Credits: rotorxdragon.com

If you have been dreaming for a long time to build your own personal flying vehicle and fly away right away, this eVTOL project is the perfect choice for you.

The Dragon is an electric-powered aerial vehicle and is very lightweight. This innovative aerial vehicle, requires no pilot’s license or certification in the United States. It can be assembled very easily in a weekend and offers the thrill of flying in comfort. And don’t worry, you will have all the assistance you need if you need it.

Imagine having it already in your garage….

Dragon eVTOL Assembly Kit Specifications

Flight TimePilot WeightMax Speed
20 min250 lbs63 mph
MotorsChassis TypeControlsBattery
8 Electric 16kW Aluminum Space Frame3-Axis JoystickLithium LiPo 100V, Swappable

Factory Build Assist 

Let’s dive into the details of what exactly the Factory Build Assist means. You might be wondering whether it refers to how the eVTOL is manufactured, right? Well, it thereby represents the involvement of a team of experts who lend their assistance in the construction of these advanced aircraft. With this feature, building your eVTOL becomes a collaborative endeavor bridging the effectual efforts of professionals with your unique requirements. It’s a process akin to putting together a high-precision technical puzzle, and your eVTOL is built to the best standards! 

Ballistic Parachute 

When it comes to security features, the incorporation of a ballistic parachute represents a fundamental safety net for eVTOL flyers. You’re probably curious what it does? The parachute acts as a last-resort safety measure, designed to bring the aircraft to a safe and controlled landing should the unexpected happen. This means that in the event of critical failure or emergency, the parachute deploys, ensuring smooth descent and considerably minimizing the risk associated with airborne emergencies.

In a nutshell, it’s quite literally a lifesaver! 

Charge Time 

Now, let’s talk about one of the most impressive features of this next-generation flying vehicle: its charging duration. Picture this: a device as intricate and powerful as the eVTOL only takes about 2 hours to charge fully.

Amazing, isn’t it?

This short charging time implies less downtime and more airtime, thus allowing for more practical and efficient use. Whether for business commutes or leisure flights, this feature enables you to embark on your air journey quickly and seamlessly. It’s all about taking convenience to new heights!

eVTOL Dragon kit

Dragon eVTOL Assembly Kit with Auto-Hover, Takeoff and Landing

Imagine this scenario: a simple button press and your eVTOL springs into action. It’s no longer part of a sci-fi movie – it’s a remarkable reality made possible by groundbreaking auto-hover, auto-takeoff, and auto-landing technology. Known as stationary flight, auto-hover is like pressing the ‘pause’ button in mid-air. Your eVTOL maintains a steady altitude and position giving you time to strategize your next move. 

Preceding auto-hover is the equally important auto-takeoff. Even with the most experienced pilots, takeoffs can induce a bit of anxiety. Luckily, the revolutionary auto-takeoff technology eases these tense moments. A simple push of a button sets the eVTOL into motion, checking for safety parameters, revving up its engines and smoothly lifting off, alleviating the pressure from your shoulders. 

Reaching your destination signals the initiation of the auto-landing phase. Similar to auto-takeoff, this technology strips away the burdens from the pilot while guaranteeing a soft touchdown every time—be it in a bustling cityscape or a serene countryside. These three state-of-the-art technologies—auto-hover, auto-takeoff, and auto-landing—are truly modern engineering marvels. By making eVTOLs not only safer but also accessible for many more, they’re changing the face of aviation as we know it.

50 Years of Experience behind the Dragon eVTOL Assembly Kit

The powerhouse behind DRAGON is a collaborative endeavor of America’s leading kit helicopter manufacturer and a seasoned government contractor, both demonstrating a significant history in the field of technology. By uniting their skills and proficiency, Rotor X Aircraft and Advanced Tactics Inc. have set fresh benchmarks for thrill and adventure enthusiasts.

How much does the fun cost me?

Secure your spot for a brand-new Rotor X Dragon kit by making a deposit of only $19,500. After making your order, you’ll be provided with a receipt and notified by email about your position in the queue. Shipping starts in the fall of 2023.

Dragon eVTOL Assembly Kit FAQ

Is there a warranty?

Reliability is key when it comes to aviation, isn’t it? With the Dragon, you can be assured, as the motors and propellors come with substantial warranties. Each part is covered for 500 hours, and impressively, they’re rated to last for a whopping 1,000 hours. So, rest easy enjoying your flight!

Regulations Compliance?

Ever wondered about the legalities of piloting the Dragon? Well, under the FAA Part 103 regulations of the United States, this innovative vehicle conveniently falls into the Ultralight category. This means, fortunately for you, a pilot’s license or an N number won’t be necessary—a huge advantage! 

What’s Next on the Horizon for Dragon? 

The journey towards innovation and excellence never stops. On the drawing board, currently, they are conceptualizing a two-seater version of the DRAGON, providing you with the opportunity to share the thrill of flight with a loved one or friend.

See the extended FAQ at this web address.

2 thoughts on “Dragon eVTOL Assembly Kit”

  1. Pingback: EVTOL Assembly Kits: The Overview - eVTOL World

  2. Pingback: DIY eVTOL - eVTOL World

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